Benefits of sustainable packaging

More than 8 million tons of plastic waste are in the oceans yearly.  While this is quite an alarming number, it is possible to find ways to minimize this damage.

Sustainable packages are those made of organic, recyclable, or biodegradable materials and whose production requires less energy and natural resources. Another essential aspect to consider when considering sustainable packaging is its disposal.

Some examples of sustainable materials:

PLA (Poly Lactic Acid Plastic) is a biodegradable material that allows for chemical and mechanical recycling. Therefore, it uses a source of renewable resources that is bio-absorbable. Recycling is easy and uses only water, releasing no toxic waste.

Green Polyethylene, also called Green Plastic, is another option, as it uses resin extracted from sugarcane ethylene instead of the traditional petroleum naphtha.

The bags gain the same resistance as the conventional ones, being able to be reused several times, and reduce the environmental impact because they are 100% recyclable. As sugarcane absorbs CO2 in photosynthesis, this material helps control the levels of greenhouse gases emitted into the air.

Sustainable packaging contemplates the ideal proportion of packaging versus product, optimizing its specific weight and providing the perfect conditions for packaging the product.

In general, the search for sustainability focuses on production, ensuring the preservation of resources for future generations. Thus, when considering sustainable packaging, it is necessary to consider three pillars: social, environmental, and economical. Sustainability is a journey in search of the best options to improve techniques and minimize environmental impact.

The use of returnable packaging represents an excellent way to make the population aware of the importance of preserving natural resources, which are limited and are already starting to become scarce. The example is the best way to teach, as it motivates the replication of behavior. So, assuming this role is fundamental since it shows concern for the well-being of the next generations.

With so many benefits, it is easy to understand that sustainable packaging is excellent value for money. In addition to reducing costs, they contribute to preserving the planet.  In other words, the keyword is SUSTAINABILITY.

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